Building Community: We believe that families thrive with the support of other families.
Equity: We believe that all parents deserve safe, inclusive, diverse and equitable care to make educated decisions about birth, feeding and parenting. We are committed to continuously educating ourselves in order to be agents of positive change for the health and wellness of South Jersey families.
High Quality Programming: We believe in creating programming focused on education, support and wellness to empower families.
Clinical Expertise: We believe that access to skilled clinical providers is a critical component to the health and wellness of families.
Client Centered Care: We believe our role is to walk alongside our clients on the journey through parenthood, allowing them the space to create their own definition of success.
Clinical Philosophy and Approach
While exclusive breastfeeding is not always the goal and/or attainable we will work as a member of your healthcare team to help you reach YOUR goals. We will work with you to rule out latch technique and positioning issues while working to uncover underlying barriers to achieve full function.
As a team we strive to integrate research based evidence with clinical expertise, patient preferences and values.
Our clinicians are dedicated to expanding their skills and knowledge through continuing education to assist breastfeeding families. We believe breastfeeding is a marker of overall health and function, we continue to seek out additional courses and trainings in topics such as: gut health (microbiome/nutrition), oral habilitation, reproductive and social justice and bodywork (structure and function).
Meet Our Lactation Team
Co-Founders of South Jersey Breastfeeding & The Village